Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Limited Edition Ethnic Mermaid Custom Box

As an introduction to the new 2020 summer wearable line, we are introducing a Limited Edition Ethnic Mermaid Custom Box.  

We will have 10 limited edition gift boxes that will include:
·         2 coloring books
·          2 Cu-Tees or 1 dress
Each box will have a custom hand drawn mermaid on the outside of each box.
$65+shipping & handling 


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Summer Ethnic Mermaid Cu-tee 2020

Teal Lion-fish T-Back Comfort Cu-tee

Afro T-Back Comfort Cu-tee

White Lion Fish Athletic T-Back Cu-tee

White Afro Athletic T-Back Cu-tee

Grey T-Back Mini Cu-tee Dress